This is a meal; apple pie and clementines and squash and bologna sandwich and cucumber. It is delicious, it's scrumptuous. I made it out of playdough. I think the apple pie is the best. But the squash... yeee, yuck. And the cucumber and apple pie... YUUUM!
Well, I made it with Katherine. My mind made it up.
Only boys go to this restaurant. Girls don't go there because its all painted Nascar and doppermans and that's boys stuff and fast cars and soldiers. And they have parsnips at that restaurant and he never orders parsnips. Hey mommy, how about the next meal we make, how about this... we make "parsnips"(whispers) for Paw. We'll dare him to eat it, we'll force him. Because Uncle Matt always gives Paw a poke on the rib.
That's all I want to say. Bye.