Monday, July 30, 2007

i'm half alien

It is cool being half alien. I don't have a spaceship so I'm just half alien. Well, I want to tell you something about aliens... I didn't know that aliens had spaceships. Uncle Matt and Uncle David, well, they are really good aliens. They don't look like aliens, but they really are. They look like earthlings.
Pa Tom was on his planet and he got shot off onto earth. There was this guy on the planet and his name was Crypton. He had so much power that he wanted to rule the planet. And he was so powerful then that he shot Pa Tom off the planet. Well, I want to tell you something, he shot him off because he wanted to rule the planet.
Why do aliens always like mushrooms. Maybe they remind them of their planets. They come all the way to earth to get them. And that is all I wanted to say, Bye.


Uncle Mut said...

Wow! Those are some cool pictures Marshall! How did you get Paw Tom to make that face? Ha, ha. You certainly are looking like an alien yourself.
I miss you VERY MUCH! I just got to Taiwan and I'm really tired. REALLY TIRED. You and Stewart wouldn't be able to wake me up, I don't think.
Love you!
Uncle Mut

Jan Sparrow (aka "Mom," or "Nana" said...

Pa Tom and I just read yor blog and are very impressed with it all: your pictures, writing and story-telling!
We enjoyed the story about Stewart and Nigel because it included your brothers. Also the one about the aliens told about your alien relatives. Pa says that he is not afraid of Krypton but can take him down with his tittle finger. But, Pa Tom says to tell you that he came here to give you a zerbert, which he will do the next time he sees you!!
Nana Jan

Jan Sparrow (aka "Mom," or "Nana" said...

I hope that you are obeying your Mama and Dad and helping with Stewart and Nigil.