Tuesday, January 8, 2008

night time story telling

"There once was this boy called Little Alfred.
He saw what the lava looks like. It kinda looks like jello.
Well, he built a boat out of a palm tree and then he took a trip all the way around the world, like he built a tug boat actually, not out of wood. He built it in a factory, because that was his work
He went all the way around the world.
He went to Tokyo, California, Kentuky, Indiana and everywhere. And guess what?
He was looking for this little boy named,...
Anyway, he forgot where he was and then he was on the moon. He built a really special ship made out of legos. And then, guess what? Guess what? He found out that there was buried ice, because of a comet. He went all the way around the universe. He travelled all the way... (this is crazy!)... he travelled to another place outside the universe, a parallel universe. He even travelled infinity miles."
"Once upon a time there was a Stewart named Joseph. And he got to Stewart to the monster. And Stewart cried in my room. He got a boat. A monster take his boat."
"A sea monster."...
"So, where was I? Oh, his family went with Little Alfred. It was a survival ship. The space ship makes food, like this is a magic trick... it makes it from the ice from the planets.
So, the family was named, um, Texas Johnason. And, they met this alien. And then, the family got together and adopted the alien, like his brother. The alien's name was Robert.
"Once upon a time, there was Jimmy Johnson, 41, Jimmy Johnson. He went in his car and then Stewart got hit by a car. And he wants his mommy, and he want his daddy and mommy. He go back to the race and then he go back to Japan."
"Well, they asked him if he wanted any corn. He said,"Yes, I would. I lived on the planet called Corn Field." So what happened is that the ship crashed and it went through the thing and the people survived. It was like a ship that ran forever and it never ran out of batteries or whatever. It went through something and didn't get crashed. It's like this special shield that keeps it from getting crashed. And they lived on this ship forever."
"Once upon a time, Stewart got hit by a car and he want his mommy and daddy."

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