Friday, November 30, 2007
Museum Fun Trip

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Nigel screamed

That's how Nigel screams Uncle Matt.
I saw the movie at the zoo and Uncle David said, "Sack of potatoes, sack of potatoes" and Uncle David said, "Whaaaa!"
It was a fun time playing with Nigel like that. He was going, "kiaah, giaahh, kiaah!" He was standing and he was pushing himself up on the chair by the train table. It's in the green room now, where you used to sleep and where we used to jump on you. The train table is our lego table now!
That's all I want to say, bye.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Lego Vision Rescuers

The rescuers were everything's rescuers. They rescued everything in the whole world. They rescue alive stuff but they don't rescue dead stuff, because they're already dead.
They have this guy who has a propeller on his head so he can save people from bad people. They shoot guns at people. They're supposed to get bad guys. If they find someone who's hurt and sick they put special powers into them through their weapons.
The one guy has laser vision and he finds somebody with these things right here and then he turns his head over, like this, and then he shoots his laser vision and it explodes and then fire runs over bad guys (guy with grey wheel-well on his head).
Bldeu, Bldew... he's bending his whole head over and he's shooting your camera. I got your camera, mom. Now your camera is shooted to peices.
The End.
Uncle Matt, this is a pretend story.
Author: Marshall
That's all I want to say. Bye.
Friday, November 23, 2007
the first cow I petted

We were at Traders Point and we got our turkey. When we got a turkey it was dead and not alive. When you gave it a touch it was not crying.
I liked Traders Point but we had to go.
When we said goodbye to Joe.
(just trying to make a rhyme Uncle Matt)
Love, marshall

I have an idea. Maybe we can make masks with stiches.
It's called an alien monster and it has two-hundred eyes. It has stiches on it and it has some googely eyes and it has a scary face.
I created it with tape for the stiches and I taped some sticks on. Then I used the googley eyes by coloring them and I cut the face out.
I was building something else and then I said, " I know... I want to build a mask too." (my brain said that.)
My brother's is a ghost. I made it for him. He's saying, "Oooohh, Booooo, Booowhooo" (said in a scary voice). His eyes were big and mine were small.
That's all I want to say, Bye.
Monday, November 19, 2007

I went on the tractor and I even got to drive on the tractor. We drove in the fields. I know that he grows tomatos and popcorn. He sells them to the store, of course. And that was fun. I loved it. It was cool. It was awesome.
And also, I got to ride on the airplane. Uncle Phil drove the airplane. We flew by daddy's old office and I saw lot's of cars, (it must have been Thanksgiving) and houses. What a beautiful view. You should have seen it mommy. There should have been another seat for you and Nigel. We didn't have a seatbelt. We flew over the lake, you know where we used to have parties and fireworks and parachute fireworks that shooted parachutes out.
And also, I got to see the pigs. I just saw them when I was out of the pig barn when I looked inside. I went in the pig barn and I petted the pigs too. The pig barn was filled with pigs and they were eating little rices of grain.
Friday, November 16, 2007
the three little pigs
One time, three little pigs made a house. The first little pig made it of hay.
And a big bad wolf came over and huffed and puffed and blew the house down.
The third little pig said, "I think I'm gonna build a big house made out of brick."
And the big, bad wolf came over and huffed and puffed and didn't blow the house down.
The End.
Uncle Matt, this is a pretend story.
And a big bad wolf came over and huffed and puffed and blew the house down.
The third little pig said, "I think I'm gonna build a big house made out of brick."
And the big, bad wolf came over and huffed and puffed and didn't blow the house down.
The End.
Uncle Matt, this is a pretend story.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Farmy Animals
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

You can see on this picture Uncle Matt. Look very closely at the berry.
It came from the burning bush. Not the burning bush in the Bible, but the burning bush in our front yard. Also, when you come over here, you'll realize why it's called the burning bush, because it's red. That's why you'll realize, it has red leaves on it.
It's not always red, Uncle Matt. Because it's almost winter and there's less chlorophyl. It's because there's less light.
Monday, November 12, 2007
balancing magic tricks

I liked doing magic tricks and I was proud of myself. I did the magic tricks when my mommy and daddy were on a date. I balanced a magic wand on my head. And also, I disappeared my thumb and fixed it back. Do you know how I did that? I hid my thumb behind my fingers. You never would have known.
Uncle Matt, I love you.
Friday, November 9, 2007
cheuwww, pcheuu, kiuw!

I'll make a gun for him.
Cookie Cutter! You can cut people with this baby!
pcheu, pchew, pchew, pcheu
I made this one for you. It's an asteroid blaster. And if you hook this together, then, attach it to this, it will shoot stars and asteroids.
Stars and Asteroids, Connect!
Now this is a problem... mom? Hold on...
He's shooting cookie cutters at me! Uh, Oh!
pchew, pcheu, chew
How bout this radar! How about this Radar Guy. Wanna peice of me?
cheu, pchewwww!
Got him!
You should blast him now, mom."
Mom: "Why should I?"
"Because he's a bad guy defending him...
Can I fix my gun for a minute?"
Stewart: "Yeah"
"Now it has protection. Now take it off...
Stewart, can I fix your cookie cutter?"
Stewart: "Yeah. Cookie Monster!"
"Ok, now you have protection on yours.
Ok, lets get up and fight!
pewchew, pcheu...
Stewart: "Now I got you. There!"
Boys: "Grrrah!"....
"Oh, I'll fix that for you. Oh you want it a different way?
Stewart: "Yeah."
pchew, kchiew, kchieu...
Now, for the last time..."
Stewart: "You're blue one., you're blue one."
"I don't need that one."
Stewart: "Otay. Now, time out."
Stewart: "Otay. Now, time out."
"Let's take a rest, a nap."
(Long Silence)
Stewart: "Let's fight now. This cookie monster!"
"No, we're not done with our rest. Can I fix my gun a little?"
Stewart: "Let's fight now."
Stewart: "We gotta go sleep. Go sleep"
"Common and take a rest with me...
Hey you broke my way!"
(Rest in their "cabin" leads way to rolling off the bed and wrestling)
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Hot Chocolatey Express
We went to Farmer Brown's farm today. We saw the chickens and even we got to pet them today. Also, we got to go to their house. Do you know what they gave to us at their house? They gave us hot chocolate and cheesy grilled sandwiches.
We saw cows and lambs. We went into the barn and saw the tractors and the bees...(dead bees). And also alive bumble bees. We got to try the tractor for pretend. Their barn was over 100 years old.
Uncle Matt, that's all for now.
Stewart says:
"Nigel went with us."
We saw cows and lambs. We went into the barn and saw the tractors and the bees...(dead bees). And also alive bumble bees. We got to try the tractor for pretend. Their barn was over 100 years old.
Uncle Matt, that's all for now.
Stewart says:
"Nigel went with us."

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
chasing doggies

They were down in a hole and trying to catch a cat or something. Stewart chased the doggie through the forest and into the neighbors yard.
Then we saw a Sassafras tree. We smelled a little smell inside the stem. Something was inside the stem of the leaf. It smelled like sour stuff inside a leaf. That's how they make root beer, out of a Sassafras tree. Mommy knew it was a sassafras tree. Do you know how? One leaf was shaped like a football, one like a ghost and one was shaped like a glove.
Stewart's story about the chesnuts.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
dairy farm nature walk

We went to a dairy farm...Trader's Point Dairy Farm. We saw baby cows and big cows and "cock- a -doodle-do" roosters, I mean hens.
We ran, we stood there and we walked. We went a long way. We went through the forest around the pasture and saw poison ivy and hedge apples. The lady told us that you shouldn't eat hedge apples, that you can just look at them. We saw a cocoon on some bark too.

We even got some chocolate milk and cottage cheese. And after a while, after I ate, I got a tummy ache.
Uncle Matt, I forgot to tell you something... call me. I love you, Uncle Matt!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
last soccer game

Uncle Matt, I was in third place out of all the people in my soccer game. My dad told me.
Well, I want to tell you something. You'll be really proud of me for this. I kicked the ball accross the field like 100 times. I was proud of myself when I kicked it. I was trying to control the ball from the people not on my team.
Next year, when I'm kicking the ball accross, I'll pass it to one of my teamates so they can can do the work for me. One time we had a tie.
That's all I want to say, Bye.
"Yeah, yeah, go, go, yeah,
Yeah, yeah, go, go, yeah!
When you don't get around,
You'll go out of town."
Uncle Matt, isn't that a cool song?
Friday, November 2, 2007

And also, this is a picture of me and Katherine. It's somebody that you don't know. Katherine got hurt. What happened to you, Katherine? She hurt her foot. We are holding her crutches in the picture.
Thursday, November 1, 2007

And also, I went with my friends, Josie, Nora, Moses and Tess. Uncle Matt, do you remember seeing Josie?
I had fun trick-or-treating downtown and here. People came here to trick-or-treat. Maybe 86 times.
We made eyeball stew (said in a scary voice).
I love you Uncle Matt, Happy Halloween. Also, my mama said to say, "Happy November!"
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