Thursday, November 29, 2007

Nigel screamed

kiaah, giyu, kiyu, ka, kau, kaaa, ikah, kiaah.
That's how Nigel screams Uncle Matt.

I saw the movie at the zoo and Uncle David said, "Sack of potatoes, sack of potatoes" and Uncle David said, "Whaaaa!"

It was a fun time playing with Nigel like that. He was going, "kiaah, giaahh, kiaah!" He was standing and he was pushing himself up on the chair by the train table. It's in the green room now, where you used to sleep and where we used to jump on you. The train table is our lego table now!

That's all I want to say, bye.

1 comment:

Uncle Mut said...

I love your translation of Nigel's words! You're so smart to be able to understand him! Great picture.
Uncle Mut