I had a fun time at Spider World Class. I did lots of fun things like make these spiders over here. One has 8 eyes and one has 9. I made webs too, I just made them there. We don't have pictures of the webs.
Arachnids are another name for spiders.
Oh bummer! I was supposed to put another one of those furry stuff on it's head because I lost one and it fell off, they were just glued. It fell off in the bag.
Their names are, Michael and Joshua. Michael is the one with the green smile.
Actually they had buckets of spiders. Real spiders in them. The first one was a tarantula, the second one was a banana, and the third one was a jumping spider. The banana one was the one that I think we saw in our garden. But they're not dangerous. Actually they don't have any bites, only if you smack them or flick them off. But that spider, when I touched it, it jumped on. It jumped on my shoe, and I flicked it off with my hand.
The banana spider was like this big (cups his hand), or maybe as big as my palm. The tarantula was as big as my fist. The jumping spider was called a monkey spider. They told us all of them were from the biggest jungle in the world (that I thought of). In the country California. Yeah, they told me it was from Costa Rica. Yes, the other one was from Australia.
They live in trees. One of them lives in the ground. The tarantula does.
That's all I want to say. Bye.
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