Wednesday, September 19, 2007

lego car

And also, this shoots out the bullets (blue thing). And this makes the bullets and puts them in the shooter (white thing). There is infinity bullets and when the infinity bullets are gone this thing makes more and puts them up in there. There are gasoline bullets, ice bullets, huge bullets that have points on the end that put holes in things and prick people.

And this thing (grey thing in front) shoots bullets too. Also it makes the car fly. And they take this of and "Wow, this is not working" and they replace it with one that is even bigger.

Well, the solar power... these things have the solar power and whenever it's tired of doing the solar power, it lets the power out and then it gets new solar power, which I'm going to use.

1 comment:

Uncle Mut said...

What a cool car! Great job. I especially love the idea of infinity bullets and ice bullets. I bet those hurt!
Love you!
Uncle Mut