Uncle Matt, can you beleive it? I don't beleive it!
Do you think it's awesome? I think it's awesome!
Do you see the white part (on left)? That's the moon. I've never seen anything like it. Have you seen anything like it? I don't think so.
Maybe aliens are living there. Like, you're an alien. Maybe you can go there with me if you're an astronaut sometime. Maybe!
You'll see little yellow and orange lights in the backround. There was a train rail on there. Can you beleive it?
I don't beleive people live on there. But maybe we can live on there, if we're astronauts. My mom read it to me and she said there could be hotels. I think there would be swimming pools inside the hotels.
I really don't think that you're interested in going to the moon. Are you interested?
Uncle Matt? Well, I got to go now Uncle Matt. Bye.
Uncle Matt, I miss you. How many days until you come back?
Hey, Uncle Matt, I got a new tatoo.
Well, Uncle Matt, that's all I want to say. Goodbye!
The moon would be a great place to visit, although I don't think I'd like to wear that suit all the time. I'd feel "claustrophopic", which means that I would feel trapped and would want to get out of the suit.
You got a tattoo? When? Where? Why?
Thanks for the blog entries...they are fun to read.
Miss you!
Uncle Mut
Uncle Matt? Did you see the moon city that I wrote about? Huh?
I got a tatoo of a spider from Nana Jan for Spanish class.
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